Further to the talent attraction/recruitment challenges presently faced by organisations, we are pleased to inform you that Buzz Wales are holding 2 closely linked Jobs fairs in September 2023. The overall objective is to place employers and potential candidates together which is designed to work with organisation’s in-house recruitment campaigns. The community-based Diversity event concept has been devised to provide an additional, unique opportunity to potentially tap into a more diverse candidates who are in search of work. The overall timeline of these activities should ensure that the required headcount is recruited and in place, trained and fully operational prior to January 2024.
- Cardiff Jobs Fair event on 13th September 2023
This event will be run in conjunction with JCP Cardiff, which previously proved to be extremely successful, at the JCP offices in Charles Street Cardiff CF10 2GS.
Register your interest here
- Diversity Jobs Fair event on 20th September 2023
The community-based event will be held at the Pavilion, Grange Gardens, Grangetown Cardiff CF11 7LJ and will be run in conjunction with Citizen Wales.
Register your interest here
These events will be well publicised and organised in the usual fashion, by CNECT Wales. CNECT Wales will be working closely with Job Centre Plus and with Citizen Wales which are both well recognised, leading agencies. Additional, relevant collaborative working will be undertaken with Colleges, Remploy, and other agencies, to guarantee footfall from Cardiff and the surrounding areas.
If you would like to purchase a stand, please contact liz@cnectwales.uk.
Please note exhibitor stands are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.