The privacy of the Cnect Wales website users is extremely important to us

We do not capture any personally identifiable information through usage of the website. Information we do capture is purely statistical, to monitor the number of individual visitors to the website. This is to allow us to better tailor the website to accommodate the number of visitors.

Cookies are small files used by websites – with your permission – to store data which the site uses to operate. These files are stored on your computer, and can be removed. The cookies used by this website do no capture or supply identifiable information.

They are used only to facilitate usage of the website, including storing email addresses used to register or sign up for e-mail updates. These cookies can be easily disabled or deleted – please see the instructions given by your browser provider.

This Privacy Policy is applicable to any personal information, which is given by You to Us (“User Information”) via the Website located (“Website”). This Policy is devised to help you feel more confident about the privacy and security of your personal details.

“You” shall mean you, the user of the Website. “We/Us” means and any subsidiary companies. “Users” means the users of the Website collectively and/or individually as the context allows.

We process personal data only in strict compliance with the UK DPA (Data Protection Act) 2018 and associated legislation.

However, Cnect Wales and the staff of Cnect Wales cannot and will not accept any liability or responsibility for any losses – personal, business, monetary or otherwise – that may result from the use of this website, information or associated services offered herein.

Use of this website, on both this and subsequent occasions, implies agreement both with this disclaimer and the Terms and Conditions of this website.

Data Collection

Cnect Wales will hold any information uploaded by You, and uploaded items can be removed by contacting

Any queries or comments about this policy should be forwarded to